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Online Homework Help


Q. If I'm not home and my son needs help with homework, I don't want him to call me and interrupt me at work, but I do want to support him. What else can I suggest he do?


You can ask your child's teacher for lists of online resources that can help. Here are several links that provide homework help:


















            Let's focus on one of them: http://homeworkspot.com It's a homework information portal that can bring you to just about any reference source or other online help that you might need.


            The website's subject-matter services are divided into elementary, middle school, and high school levels. Subjects include English, math, science, history, art, music, technology, foreign language and college prep.


            References include online almanacs, atlases, biographies, calculators, calendars, citations, dictionaries, encyclopedias, government sources, homework hotlines, libraries, lists, museums, quotations, statistics, and many others.


            There's a feature called "Ask an Expert," as well as a "Reading Room" and "Q&A" that can fill in the cracks for just about any inquiry. The "You Asked For It" list of fun facts is priceless.


            You'll also find links to the world's best libraries, museums, and current events sources. Be sure to explore the sister sites, www.LibrarySpot.com and www.BookSpot.com


Homework: Check out the section for Parents on http://homeworkspot.com


By Susan Darst Williams www.ShowandTellforParents.com Homework 07 © 2008


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