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Three Ways Homeschooling Helps Our Economy


Q. With the extra pressures of the financial recession breathing down parents' necks, how should we view the trend toward homeschooling? What evidence is there that homeschooling is a smarter choice than traditional schooling methods? Will the homeschooled employees of tomorrow do better, or worse, in a challenging and confusing global economic climate?


"There are three key ways homeschoolers are positively impacting the U.S. economy, and we should be paying close attention to this growing population," says Josephine Nicholas, chief operating officer of Published Daily, a new startup tech company whose aim is to help professionals better communicate and market to their networks.


She lists them:


#1 - They Grade at Higher Levels than the National Average


According to studies done by the National Home Education Research Institute  and the Home School Legal Defense Association, homeschoolers consistently grade at higher levels than the national average across the board. 


"In every other recession, it was the smart, young innovators that were the movers and shakers," Ms. Nicholas said. "All over the country, the home educated continue scoring at the highest levels, after which they step into being productive members of society. They are using their talents and skills in several arenas to help direct us out of the tough economy we are currently facing."


#2 - They Thrive on Entrepreneurship, Doing Their Part in This Recession


"We see time and again, that, as the home educated are becoming adults, they are positively contributing to the US economy in a myriad of ways, not the least of which is by creating new companies, thereby creating new jobs," she said. "My siblings and I are a prime example of this, and there are many others."


The homeschooled Nicholas siblings opened their first company in their late teens, grew it to be successful, and have created and grown several companies since that time in their home base of Michigan, the state currently with the highest rate of unemployment.


#3 - They Positively Contribute to Society in General


Dr. Gary Knowles, past professor at the University of Michigan, explored adults who were home educated. None were unemployed and none were on welfare, 94% said home education prepared them to be independent persons, 79% said it helped them interact with individuals from different levels of society, and they strongly supported the home education method.


"When you are facing a recession like we're in now, everyone needs to do their part in their community and be a productive citizen," Ms. Nicholas said. "The majority of homeschoolers participate in an ongoing community service activity, while only 37% of similarly aged U.S. adults and 39% of all U.S. adults do so.  Clearly, the home educated recognize that being involved in community will positive impact the country's economy in general, and they welcome the opportunity to contribute."


Homework: See the website,, to see how these four homeschooled siblings have created new businesses and new jobs.


By Susan Darst Williams Homeschooling 01 © 2009

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