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Sex Books Teens SHOULD Read


            Nobody likes to hear about books marketed to schools and libraries, intended for adolescents, that are full of sexual content. On the other hand, everybody wants to make sure teens know where babies come from, and to have the information they need to conduct themselves appropriately when it comes to premarital sex.


            Smart parents will help teens find decent books - not works of fiction with sex as entertainment - but nonfiction books to give them advice and information about the important area of sexuality.


            Here are some suggestions:


            Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity, by Lauren Winner; this book calls all forms of extramarital sex false, and contends that the only "real" sex takes place in marriage. She makes a compelling, convincing case that the best goal for teenagers is to remain sexually abstinent until marriage.


            The Game Plan: The Men's 30-Day Strategy for Attaining Sexual Integrity, by Joe Dallas; although targeted to men, this book would help teenage boys plan a lifestyle that will keep them free of porn, promiscuity, adultery and other forms of sexual immorality.


            Sex: What You Don't Know Can Kill You, by Dr. Joe McIlhaney; this straightforward, common-sense physician goes over the sexually-transmitted diseases that are out there and explains how you catch them, and what might happen to you if you do. The answer is obvious: if for no other reason, protecting your health is reason enough to hold off on sex until marriage.



By Susan Darst Williams www.GoBigEd.com Heart Lessons 026 © 2006


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