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Teaching a Child to Be a Peacemaker


            When there's a problem with another person, are you teaching your child to make peace - or war? You don't want your child to be overly aggressive or an attacker. Neither do you want him or her to be a doormat - too passive and withdrawing upon the first sign of a difference of opinion.

            Here are some great tips from the book, Peacemaking For Families by Ken Sande:


            1. Conflict is a slippery slope. If you let conflict fester and stay alive, things just get worse and worse.


            2. Conflict starts in the heart. We decide whether to be obedient or disobedient, wise or foolish, caring or unloving. We have the choice to make a good choice that can really affect the outcome of any situation.


            3. Choices have consequences. We can only control our own choices, but we must remember that the choices we make will affect us and others. Conflict is often the consequence of a choice we have made.


            4. Wise-way choices are better than my-way choices. Selfishness is not smart and will not lead to happiness. The wise way is to obey authority, make right choices, seek good advice and respect others.


            5. The blame game makes conflict worse. You can't blame someone else or ignore your own role in any kind of disagreement. That's not responsible.


            6. Conflict is an opportunity. Handling it well gives us a chance to serve others, model leadership, and become better people.  


By Susan Darst Williams www.GoBigEd.com Heart Lessons 034 © 2006


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