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Idea Box


            Give your child a neat box, such as a cigar box or shoebox, and provide materials for your child to make it very special. Gift wrap? Fake fur? Costume jewelry? Pretty contact paper? Whatever would make the box into a point of pride should be made available to your child.


            Then, in this special box, your child can store ideas for future writing projects:



            Pictures from magazines


            Small toys

            Objects found outside (as long as they aren't alive, like frogs!)

            Favorite words


            Well-written paragraphs from ads or junk mail

            Interesting ads clipped from the newspaper


            You might give your child a simple spiral notebook dedicated to little stories and essays inspired by these items, and keep it with the box, always at hand.


By Susan Darst Williams www.GoBigEd.com Grammar Granny 041 © 2006


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