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P.O. Box 995

Elkhorn, NE 68022


* Charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) status applied for,

and expected by the end of 2008,

so your donation will more than likely be tax deductible



Mini-Grant A:

PTO Idea Exchange



Two school parent groups

will each receive a $125 donation

if they hold a joint meeting

focusing on sharing ideas

and building parental involvement



www.ShowandTellforParents.com would like to match up two Parent-Teacher Organizations, Parent-Teacher Associations, Community Clubs, or other school groups - one from a suburban neighborhood, and one from a disadvantaged area.


Each group will receive $125 for their treasuries just for holding one joint meeting lasting one hour, with parent attendance of at least 10 parents from each school group.


They will come together to exchange ideas on building parental involvement in their schools, fund-raising, teacher relations, and so forth.


For example, a PTO that has had success increasing the amount of at-home reading their student population is doing could share ideas on what works and what doesn't work with the other PTO.


Or a group that has had success with making the families of transfer students feel more at home, or increasing attendance at parent-teacher conferences, could share those ideas as well.


Of course, the perennial PTO topics - how to get more parents involved, and how to raise money for school - are likely to be addressed.


Minutes from this meeting, listing the ideas exchanged, should be included in each school's parent newsletter, with copies sent to AfterSchoolTreats.com to be posted in this space.


To apply for this mini-grant, an officer of your school's PTO may contact Susan@AfterSchoolTreats.com




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